Unidentified Swimming Creature


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2014
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Feeding me Guppies this morning and I noticed something on the wall of the tank other than them pest snails. The only way I can discribe it is that it looks like an insect with six legs, long tail with a two prong fork on the end. When touched it swam off using it's tail like a fish does. I dare say it's another creature I inherited from them live plants BUT what is it?
I have absolutely no idea sorry but if you were able to get a photo I'm sure that would help others identify it
Sounds like a dragonfly or damselfly nymph. Try to catch it if you can, they can hurt small fish :C
I second the dragonfly nymph.
Yup, sure sounds like a good description of a Damselfly nymph.
Have a look at the thread, see if the pics matches what you have in your tank - 
Screen Shot 2014-09-18 at 09.35.05.png
I'd suggest you try to get this guy out of your tank if what you have matches the pics. Using a length of syphon hose and a bucket proved to be best method for me, but a net works also.
Thank You ALL. I've got this thing out of me tank and killed it. Don't want ANYTHING harming me Guppies. Thank You ALL.
Ardvark said:
Thank You ALL. I've got this thing out of me tank and killed it. Don't want ANYTHING harming me Guppies. Thank You ALL.
Was it a damselfly Nymph, like the one in pics i did in my post? 
Yes it looked like one but a bit darker.
Yeah, if you saw my thread you would find one was a brownish colour and larger, thats female, the brighter smaller ones, usually greenish colours are males.
Predatory little critters and keep and eye out for anymore as probably came in via a plant so possibly may be a couple more, really hope not though.
For reference, they're fascinating creatures, worth catching and raising if you get a chance, but not a good idea in a tank with fry.
What if you don't have fry? Can they harm full grown fish? And how long does it take for them to mature? It would be interesting to catch them molting to adulthood.
Depends on the fish, they will take smaller fish.
Yes, damselfly nymphs when grown to size will take small fish, but before that they will take fry or any small shrimps first.

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