Unidentified Growing Fish


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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I have this fish that we purchased over a year ago, he was about 4 inches long when we got him, he has now grown to 9 inches and has his own 30 gallon fish tank with a pleco. He is very agressive, so needs his own tank. I was told he was a Goby, but he looks nothing like the other gobies that I have and have seen, can anyone help me. This is the image

The fish is a Dorminator maculatus, also goes by the common names of fat sleaper goby or jade goby.

They can reach around a foot in length and will eat anything they can fit into their mouths but are usually peacefull toward larger fish. They usually do better in a brackish enviroment but are found in freshwater, brackish and marine waters in the wild.
Any of you remember that tropical fish shop in Elephant & Castle? Used to be quite a good place, then seemed to just fade away. Anyway, one time I went there, they had a big tank with those spotted sleepers along with panther groupers and some other large marine fish. The sleeper gobies were obviously being kept in marine conditions, and they were just enormous.

I agree with CFC on the name and what they need. They make especially good companions for things like brackish water garpike, coming, as they do, from the same habitat. While they are piscivorous, it's important to give them a varied died, including some green foods. They are in Baensch's Aquarium Atlas, vol. 1.


my dream predator tank is one mbu puffer and then as many sleeper gobies as the tank can support. they're just amazingly beautiful fish.

should that 30g be upgraded or will that be large enough for a specimen tank?

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