Unidentified Catfish


Go Hawks!
Mar 19, 2004
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Can anyone ID this catfish? The pic is from an Email I got from a LFS. The fish is about 6" long.


Thanks :)
Thats a Gulper catfish... Asterophysus batrachus

Very rare, have huge mouths with a jaw like velcro. Currently see for £300 a piece in the UK.
Thanks Paul. :)

They had it called "Unidentified Gulper Catfish".

The email also said:
"This is possibly the most predacious fish we've seen. It is approx 6" long and swallowed a 15" Clown Knifefish in one GULP! Absolutely one of the most bizzare looking creatures we've seen."
I'll email you my address so you can send it to me for christmas ;)
I'll email you my address so you can send it to me for christmas ;)

So then I can just use the same box from the baby snakeheads that you're sending me. :p

I called the LFS and they still had it for $89.99. I told them the ID and how much they go for in the UK, but he (the owner) said he wasn't going to raise the price. He said there isn't much of a market for this fish around here.

So out of curiosity, what tank size is recommended for one of these? I read on PC that they get to 9.8" max.
Buy it Now while you still can, They do best in a tank dedicated to them, as it is 10 inches i say that a 5x2x2 should suffice. Maybe even a 4x2x2 Ask CFC, he lives and breathes to get one of these catfish I'm sure he can tell you.
Methinks even a 4x18x18 would be fine, they don't move a great deal. Heck, if you can afford it, it would be fine in *anything* for the time being :shifty:
Yeah, very good find, and id buy it straight away, if you have a tank large enough...
Heres a video of one that i posted some time ago.


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