Unidentifiable Catfish


New Member
Dec 23, 2008
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I got no clue... Can anyone help? Oh, can I add some siamese sharks or would they be in danger?(pangasius sharks)
[I tried to crop the image as much as I could have in order not to exceed the attachment limit]


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How big would the pangasius be when you add them and how big is that unidentified catfish?

To identify the catfish, try borrowing a friends digital camera and put it on the macro setting, I'm no expert on catfish in the slightest, but a clearer picture would help :).

But regardless of what the catfish turns out to be, I would never advise anyone buys pangasius unless you plan on a tropical pond.
Unless you like stunted fish that will be doomed to a life of tiny tanks ;).

Check this out.
I uploaded a better pic on facebook. Here's the LINK
Three-fingers, my catfish is like 3 inches tall. Im still waiting for the pet shop to get bigger pangasius sharks. I really like sharks. Do you perhaps know a good-looking shark that would fit in with my catfish? My aquarium is Tetratec Aqua art (60 liters)
Helter, I think you found it. Take a look at the photo and tell me what u think :)
Thanks a lot for the help guys!
need a better shot but may be Clarius batrachus

100% agree there! i once got one and it went from 1&1/2 inch to 9-10, in two months!!!!!!!! honestly needs kept in a tank, big, on its own. they are also known as the "walking catfish". they can survive for some time out of water. I am, reliably, told that they can live in damp cloth sacks. they are said to grow to 18-24 inches, are veracious predictors. also fairly good at escape, so a tight fitting lid is a must!

trying to pass one on is, virtually, impossible. i had to euthanise mine, sadly.

you can not keep this fish with other fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hm...and 60 liters is too small for either your current fish or any pangasius...
hm...and 60 liters is too small for either your current fish or any pangasius...

Fish grow proportionally with the space they have (aquarium). When it's the right time, I'll be moving my fish to a bigger aquarium. So no worries :good:
hm...and 60 liters is too small for either your current fish or any pangasius...

Fish grow proportionally with the space they have (aquarium). When it's the right time, I'll be moving my fish to a bigger aquarium. So no worries :good:

fish do what ???? I aint seen the "they grow to the size of their tank" myth for some time. if they do as you say, how do you know when to move them. lol this is a walking not talking catfish! :hyper:
They really don't. As boboboy says above, the "grows to the size of its tank" idea is mostly a myth; some farmed fish species (such as carp) are prone to this, but virtually all the ornamental fish species grow to around their full size, unless of course the aquarium conditions are so poor they sicken and die.

This catfish will grow incredibly fast. It needs something around 200 litres, minimum. More if you're planning on keeping tankmates.

Cheers, Neale

Fish grow proportionally with the space they have (aquarium). When it's the right time, I'll be moving my fish to a bigger aquarium. So no worries :good:
please not the above poster is a published author (in brackish fish) and has a vast knowledge of fish in general. he also write articles for PFK (UKs' best selling magazine and additionally for Americas best selling magazine (which I forget the name of)

just to reiterate all the above posters, your tank is too small and the fish will not grow to its environment.
please either rehome it or do the kindest thing.
I had one of these for a few years. Mine was 20 inches when another fishkeeper wanted a large cat and being honest I was happy to get rid. Although he was a beautiful and active fish he destroyed anything in the tank and in the end I accepted I had made a mistake. My tank was a hell of a lot bigegr than 60 litres as well. He already looks well fed and boy do these cats eat. You'd better get a new tank quick cos he won;t fit in yours for long
Well, I gave away the clarias back to the LFS. Now Im keeping some african cichlids in my tank. 3 x 3inch cichlids and 3 x 1inch cichlids. Thanks for the help guys!

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