Unhappy Betta


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Last night my friend let me have her gorgeous new female so she could rescue a really nice VT from Pets @ Home! When I was getting her out of her tank she looked a bit sad and was swimming as if she has something up with her swim bladder! This morning she still looks unhappy her fins are slightly clamped and she is still floating upwards when she stops swimming! She has eaten today and is being left alone by my other females! Is there anything else I can do for her as I have no idea what is wrong with her?

Also my friends male VT that she bought on Friday still isnt eating although he is swimming about and flares happily how long should we leave him to settle in before trying again to feed him? I've not encountered this with any of my males as they have all eaten straight away!

Keep trying to feed regularly. When he gets hungry enough, he'll eat. It took mine a week and half before he started eating.
seperate her from the rest of the fish and dont feed her for a few days.
Yeah I moved things about when I added her the one fish that bothered her was a male platy! She just didnt seem too happy when I picked her up last night! I suppose it's more to do with her adjusting although I'm going to keep a very close eye on her! My other three girls didnt even look at her they just stayed together in a group! It looked like a playground scene with the gang one end and the new kid wandering around aimlessly!

I hope my friends male does perk up and start eating! My friend said today that he's a bit more active since he has the new male near him! She has put a card between the tanks but it only covers part of the tank so they can still see each other if they want! I'm thinking of giving her a different food to try if he still refuses at the weekend and also I'll give her some daphnia too!
I'd love to have been able to quarntine her but i'm now officially out of anything left suitable for quarntine! Luckily she has really perked up and looks an awful lot happier today, she didnt even swim funny and her fins are all back to normal!

Not sure how my friends males are doing but I'm sure she'd have been in touch if there were any more problems!

I have a feeling it was all the moving around and feeling unsettled that had upset her! But I could still be wrong!
Hello all :D
I'm Natsuko's friend :*)

Both my males were sulking last night! But I did do a water change which made them a little cold for a while. The new lad is eating ok but Haku still isn't :rolleyes: I reckon he's just a drama queen...

Anyway thought I'd pop in and say hi! :thumbs:
I know we seriously need a good name for him! Hows about Calcifer? It might suit him you know (despite him being green) or has he changed colour
Oooo yeah maybe; I will try it on him tonight.... he does have red streaks after all!

I'll have to try and post pics of the terrible twosome!
Yeah you should and once you've mastered taking photos of yours you can come and do mine :p! I dont remember red I remember orange on his head! Oh well I'll see him soon I suppose!
I agree w/ the Bar-myster!

Nice one sukie , havent been called that since i was in school!!!!

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