Unhappy Angel


Fish Fanatic
Apr 10, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
I have two angel fish, the one is doing very well, was actually the smallest of the pair I bought a month ago, now the biggest. The other one has started acting strange, he sits under an amazon sword, hardly swims around, will eat but only if I submerge the flakes, normally he bullies the other fish out the way. All the other fish in the tank are fine :/
The ph is sitting at 7.2, I have a 2000lph internal and a sponge filtration, I do a weekly 40% water change, all the fish and plants are happy cept the angel, I did add 2 zebra loaches two weeks ago, they gave all the fish a bit of exersize for a day or two, then they settled down with the clowns, no visual signs of fungus on the angel, no fish are chasing him/her, I was wondering if it could be the light as I have 180w on the tank, and he sits under the shade of an amazon, maybe I should try make a shaded area for him/her

oh well thanks 4 the reply,
Shaded areas can be good for fish, especially amazonian ones IMO. I am not sure that the light would cause the fish to act like that though.

Have you tried feeding with frozen live food? My fish go mad for them and this may perk him up a bit. How does the fish's gills and fins look? Do you have any 'nippy' fish like tiger barbs?

What are your amonia, nitrIte and nitrAte readings?

Oh, and it's no problem. ;)

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