I have a 180 litre community tank, established about 18 months now and am having a problem with fish dying unexpectedly.
Water parameters are pretty constant, pH 7.5, Ammonia/Nitrite levels at or very near zero, Nitrate levels at 30-50 mg/L (ambient tap water around here about 30 mg/L), changing 30-35% water every week or two. Filtration appears fine and new media introduced as required or suggested by filter manufacturer.
However, over the last 10-12 weeks individual fish have died intermittently, one or two perishing every week or so but none altogether , no one species or none of similar symptoms. Symptoms have included swollen abdomen, buoyancy problems, one or two external growths/ulcers, some loss of colour and, in some cases, a strange "arching" malady where the fishes back appears hunched. Have treated for internal bacterial infection, running two courses of treatment, one initially and the other about two weeks ago. Things appeared to have settled down but have lost two fish this week. No new fish have been introduced for at least six months.
Current stock: 2x Golden-wonder panchax, 2x keyhole cichlid, 5x peppered corys, 1x corydoras julii, 4x neon tetra, 2x cardinal tetra, 2x rosy tetra, 3x bleeding heart tetra, 1x pentazona barb, 1x bumblebee goby, 3x gold algae eater, 2x ottocinclus, 1x platy, 5x white cloud mountain minnow, 4x glowlight tetra, 2x blue tetra, 2x pretty tetra
Anybody got any ideas?
Water parameters are pretty constant, pH 7.5, Ammonia/Nitrite levels at or very near zero, Nitrate levels at 30-50 mg/L (ambient tap water around here about 30 mg/L), changing 30-35% water every week or two. Filtration appears fine and new media introduced as required or suggested by filter manufacturer.
However, over the last 10-12 weeks individual fish have died intermittently, one or two perishing every week or so but none altogether , no one species or none of similar symptoms. Symptoms have included swollen abdomen, buoyancy problems, one or two external growths/ulcers, some loss of colour and, in some cases, a strange "arching" malady where the fishes back appears hunched. Have treated for internal bacterial infection, running two courses of treatment, one initially and the other about two weeks ago. Things appeared to have settled down but have lost two fish this week. No new fish have been introduced for at least six months.
Current stock: 2x Golden-wonder panchax, 2x keyhole cichlid, 5x peppered corys, 1x corydoras julii, 4x neon tetra, 2x cardinal tetra, 2x rosy tetra, 3x bleeding heart tetra, 1x pentazona barb, 1x bumblebee goby, 3x gold algae eater, 2x ottocinclus, 1x platy, 5x white cloud mountain minnow, 4x glowlight tetra, 2x blue tetra, 2x pretty tetra
Anybody got any ideas?