Unexplained Death


Fish Addict
Jul 24, 2011
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This past saturday, the 21st. I went out and bought four guppies (3 female and 1 male) and 2 Panda Cory's. I put them in my tank with my my other fish. 3 Mollies (2 female, one male) 2 Platys (1 male 1 female), two preexisting Panda Cory's and 1 Molly Fry.

This morning they all seemed fine. The Guppies have claimed the corner near the filter.

This afternoon I came home and found one of the female Guppies dead at the bottom of the tank, covered in the beginnings of mold, also part of her tail turned white. (How she got moldy so fast I'm attributing to the tank temp. She was perfectly healthy this morning)

So I immeadietly removed her and flushed her :/ and then proceeded to test the tank.
Temp: 74
ph 8.0 (I have hard tap water, this is a normal reading for me)
Ammonia: About .10 (It's not 0ppm but it's not .25ppm in color either.)
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0

The tank dimensions are 36" x 12" x 18" so I'm assuming its not over crowded, and the ammonia and other readings haven't changed from when I tested Saturday morning before I got the Guppies so I assumed the filter took the extra work in stride. I did a 15% water change Sunday night just to be safe.
The only stressful thing I've done in the tank is add new decorations when I added the guppies, so if anything my other fish should have been more freaked out.

So I'm wondering what could have caused her demise? Could it have been a disease? (None of the others seem sick and I dont want to stress them out more with a big water change just 3 days after I've put in new fish, but if it comes to it I will..)

Opinions and advice welcomed.
looks like the guppy was borderline ill and it only took the move to stress it out and push it over the cliff. Watch all the other fish, if things look odd, chances are some microbe was introduced from the shops water and breeding in your tank.
Could it be that she died... from unknown causes as of now and that the other fish started eating her... Which would make it look like she was moldy when really she was just kind of eaten?

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