Unexpected Tools For Aquarium Maintenance


New Member
Aug 16, 2013
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Hey there,

I've just joined, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is the task at hand. I've been going to my local stores in hunt for things that you'd use in your everyday life but instead of using that small strainer for sprinkling powdered sugar over a pastry, you could use it to sift your sand free of debris that has found its way inside. Two days ago; I found that I have these little worms on the glass of both five gallons I've got setup. I've got a 20g, but that's perfect, I believe it has to be the fact that it's a very small eco-system so anything will set it off. One tank has RCS, and the other has three Guppies(Yes, I know they need more room but I've gone fin-nippers[Zebra Danios] in the 20g). Guppies are messy eaters, and I guess leaving a small pellet in there does count as uneaten food even though they do eat all of it. . . Eventually. So now, I need to rid the sand of any debris and uneaten food to starve those lil' worms out of my tank. I went to the store and found a small strainer, and it clicked, I could use it to scoop some sand and sift out the debris. It is metal, so I'm not sure if it'd leak anything into the water. This made me wonder though... What other tools could be used for aquarium use? 

Now, I don't know if this lands in the DIY category for any of you but for me it does. . . Kinda. 
Yes, kitchen items can be very useful. I keep a strainer and a turkey baster by my reef tank.
Windowscreen in a foam frame that came as packaging for a toaster is what I use to sift playsand into fine and course grades, a fine strainer will also work. Pipettes, syringes, and turkey basters are good for water tests, and there's plenty of YouTube videos about making DIY gravel-vacs.

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