Unexpected fry - no idea what to do with them!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 24, 2004
Reaction score
Glasgow, Bonnie Scotland
Hi everyone,
I have recently set up a biorb tank 3 months ago (i know, i know, i'm getting a bigger non-biorb tank in 6 weeks time!) and cycled it with 4 zebra danios. 3 weeks ago I got 6 neon tetras and to my surprise they have survived and seem OK.
The other day I noticed about 20 tiny fry caught in the filter ( I presume they are neons because it didn;t happen before with the zebras). I thought they would all die but today whilst doing a water change I noticed that they were still alive and zipping around.
Anyway, this is going to sound stupid :*) but I rigged up a net suspended in the water from the feeding hole and transferred as many as I could into it (five) and gave them some crushed flakes. So what do I do now?! Are they just going to die? Will I put them out of their misery now? For various reasons I can't get another tank just now so if they survive when can I release them into the main tank?

Any help appreciated thanks!
They must be some happy fish to give you babies so soon!

Since they would be way to small to take to your local fish store, I would pick up a cheap little plastic betta tank (maybe a gallon) with a foam filter to keep them in until they are big enough to keep in your main tank.

Good luck!


Or... :) get a tank divider!!! little plastic insert, they don't need a huge space!
Almost certainly Zebra Danios.

Use fry powder food and they should survive
I second Zebra danios...

Zebras are easy to breed and are used alot by evil scientists for genetic experiments.
Egg-layer fry are realy small so they'll need tiny foods to survive. If your tank has plants they'd have a better chance of surviving free in the tank than starving. However, consider a small heated bowl of some sort and put them in there. Buy some liquid foods until they are a little older (a week or so) and then feed crushed or powdered flake (whatever they can take).

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