Unexpected Death Of My Male!


Fish Crazy
Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Northwest England.
Found my male dead at the bottom of his tank this morning :no: As you can see from the pic he is very swollen, he did look a bit like that last night but no where near as bad and he was hanging near the top but didnt think anything of it as he is always there begging for food. His tank is a 6.6 us gallon (25 uk litres) heated and filtered! Checked the water stats right away, Ammonia was slighly up and so was the nitrite but only a fraction, it was over due a water change tbh. Could he have been constipated?

R.I.P. bless him, sounds like a bacterial infection, sorry.
One of my girls died and looked just like that, I had spotted her looking miserable and isolated her and was treating her, but she was in exactly the same death pose as your poor betta :-(
R.I.P. bless him, sounds like a bacterial infection, sorry.

If it was bacterial wouldn`t there have been earlyer signs?! This happened over 1 and a half days. I have a female in his home now, doesn`t seem the same :-( She is in there as she`s eating way too much in the community tank, she eaten 5 of the clown loaches pelets last night and half a pea too.
i haven't had to deal with constipation so i don't REALLY know what it looks like, but if your guys are being piggy and eating algae wafers on top of flake, then perhaps they are constipated. i've heard flake can do that, as can over feeding. if you keep her on a diet supplemented with pea, then you should not have to worry about constipation, just keep an eye out and hopefully it will only be a one time thing.

mystery deaths are the worst :sad:

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