Unexpalined Death!!


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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"Magic" one of my Female Black Mollies died today :-(

I noticed yesterday that she was just staying in one spot only moving a little bit..She didnt eat anything at all yesterday...Last night I moved her to the hospital tank (in hopes for the best) But woke up this morning to find her died :-(

She had no physical sign of disease or anything... she was pooping normal...I thought maybe she was fixing to have babies, cause she was big...

About 3-4 days ago I have a HUGE Battle royal in my tank!!! Everyone was fighting and when I say fighting the were having knock down drag outs :blink: They were fighting because I had fed my pleco "Fred" his algae wafers, and everyone was fighting over it!!!! :look:

Im beginning to wonder if she was injured in the fight, the only physical injury I could see was on her dorsel fin had a little rip in it...

I dont know why she died...

My water conditons are fine:
Ammonia= 0
Nitirites= 0
Nitirates= 0
ph= 7.6
according to your signature you've had a string of deaths this month. I lost my compressiceps and frontosa suddenly the other day after a large water change, it was mind boggling until I realized that the dechlorinator I've been using doesn't remove chloramines.....all of my other fish are fine, it just took out those two. Ya think it's something like that?
Yes I have some bad luck this month...

"Raven" died after giving birth so she wasnt sick
"Flamer" died like right after I got him, so I think it was stress
"Whisper" died from Mouth fungus that I didnt catch in time I guess
and now "Magic" unknown causes
PJGuppies said:
Yes I have some bad luck this month...

"Raven" died after giving birth so she wasnt sick
"Flamer" died like right after I got him, so I think it was stress
"Whisper" died from Mouth fungus that I didnt catch in time I guess
and now "Magic" unknown causes
If all your other water parameters are fine, it could simply have been the temperature's we've been having. I have observed that mollies seem less tolerant of high temperatures than my other species (tetras, gouramis, cherry barbs etc).
Alien Anna said:
PJGuppies said:
Yes I have some bad luck this month...

"Raven" died after giving birth so she wasnt sick
"Flamer" died like right after I got him, so I think it was stress
"Whisper" died from Mouth fungus that I didnt catch in time I guess
and now "Magic" unknown causes
If all your other water parameters are fine, it could simply have been the temperature's we've been having. I have observed that mollies seem less tolerant of high temperatures than my other species (tetras, gouramis, cherry barbs etc).
my to tetras died last night! R.I.P but last night i went out and bout 3 preg female mollys and 1 female guppy and she is about to best! i think shes haveing babys right now becouse i think i see a lil tail! an ya its not poo becouse i know what poo looks like and its no poo!

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