Underwater Lassies?


Aug 17, 2009
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Vancouver, Canada
Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Every time the water parameters change (ie I move them to a different tank) my Nerites just won't stay in the water. They crawl up to the water line for about a day so they can slowly ease themselves back into the tank on their own sweet schedule.

Anyways, my heater went a little wonky yesterday (I think something brushed the knob) sending the heat up from 74 to 82. When I got home from work I knew something was wrong because when I opened the lid to feed 2/3 nerites were hanging on the underside of it! This isn't the first time... a while ago I was struggling against crashing pH (never put Flourish tabs in ridiculously soft water) they did the same thing!

Am I the only one with 'Lassie' snails?
Hm. I don't have any snails, but why would they want to remove themselves from their enviroment? That is like us traveling and floating around space with not space suit or oxygen.
Hm. I don't have any snails, but why would they want to remove themselves from their enviroment? That is like us traveling and floating around space with not space suit or oxygen.

I believe most snails actually surface to refill the air bubble in their shell. Mystery snails surface to lay eggs. Every time my nerites surface though they just hunker down inside their shells.
Oh I never knew that about snails. Now knowing that, it seems like it would be normal for them to resurface.
I imagine that they leave the water when it's uncomfortable for them because they can. Fish would too, if they could actually leave it lol...
Awesome! I love my zebra nerite, it hasn't done anything like that since i've had it, but i'll keep an eye out! Great stuff.
A lot of snails and some shrimp will make a run for it if the water isn't to their liking. I have no idea why they do it, I just have heard that they do.
Must be why they're so darn hard to keep int he tank for the first few days home from the pet store!
Interesting thread. My Apple snails are my water wonders. Last night I found one of my threadfins poorly, so I pre-med the 60 litre which is being used as a snail farm. I just used interpet anti-bac. Well dissolved. All the snails went to the top for a bit, then went on as normal. I find that egg laying is a positive sign that the water quality is good. Snails are more sensitive than you think.

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