Caught me quite by surprise too Navarre. I was walking thru a new lfs that someone told me had nano sized frags. I passed one tank and did a double take. It literally looks like a flower when it is open. It's too bad that you live across the pond....fragging could be an interesting trade. SH
i have imported some rics/zoos from the US and at the time was led to belive that Nemenzophyllia turbida were on CITES "negative opinion" list...doesnt look likee any LFS will have them over here if that still applies
Not sure about the CITES comment. I have seen them for sale on I'm surprised that this small beautiful frag was just sitting there. I'm also surprised that it doesn't get as much 'press' on the forums as it is really an attractive coral. Then again, this is a very small frag. SH