Underground Filters Or Not


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
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Hi Guys,

I'm looking to set up a 5'x2'x2' Tank & after your thoughts on underground filters.
Some shops say yes install one & others are dead against them.

that size tank should have a external filter I recommend Eheim's although they are very expensive. Undergravel filters won't allow sand they also can bugger up in more ways and hard to tell whether they need maintenence or not
Yes I will be running an external filter, I was told I will need an underground for the plants as their roots will be too cold ???

Yes I will be running an external filter, I was told I will need an underground for the plants as their roots will be too cold ???


Have a real close look,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I think someone is pulling your leg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Under gravel filters were derigure when I started in the hobby. Anyone using anything other than was subject to burning at the stake. The world has changed. i can't recall seeing a recommendation in favour of an under gravel for a very very long time. Do yourself a favour and stay away from what has been likened to a septic tank in a tank. You should also consider some redundancy in your filtration system. It is a very good idea to use two rather than on e filter. It greatly simplifies the cleaning process as you clean them a month, or so, apart and there is no risk of killing off you nitrifying bacteria load (bio filter). Also if one filter piles up you are not without filtration. Remember also that over filtration is a good thing.
Yeh def get either an internal or external filter, externals are by the best and easy to use and maintain, and definitely worth the extra cash.


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