Undergravel filter


Fish Crazy
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
ON, Canada
I finally got my 10gallon, but it came with an Undergravel filter, which i am still undecided to use or not....
I've heard mixed results, and my research is the same.
Any suggestions? I want to get this tank up and running soon, so any input would be Super! :D
They are nothing but a pain in the @$$. Don't use it. Get yourself a fluval internal or a HOB filter. I suggest an aqua-tech HOB b/c they are made by marine land, very satisfied with ALL of their products. :)

BTW: if you go with a-t, don't waste your money on a 5/15. Go a head and spend an extra 2-3 dollars for the 10/20. :)
well, i have one filter that i'm using now, the hang on back kind like you said , but only one....
I thought i might want to use it for my new tank, but doesnt is mess up the cycle by taking all the good bacteria from the gravel?
I dont know, i like my HOB better anyway, i wont have any overly-filthy fish or anything coming in
thanks for your help, if any has anymore suggestions that'd be great
yeh, UGF are a pain and a mess. it just brings all the food and debri to the gravel. sometimes. theye useless.
Undergravel filters are ok if they are maintained regularly, a realy good clean with a gravel vac once a week works wonders.

I think the problem most people tend to find them is the flow tends to pull the dertritus under decore where it colects, if not cleaned right (ie take the decore out and clean under it/ which some people find to much) it builds up and carses all sorts of problems, which tends to lead to algue.

Personly i prefer exsternals filters of internal power filters
It would be fine, though, to keep them both, but as simonbrown403 said, they require extra care, b/c the gravel is the filter media. The main reason I HATE them is not the fact they need more time when cleaning, its the fact that if you accidentally knock it with a magnet cleaner, it pops loose from the grill under the gravel, and the only way to get it back on GOOD is to remove everything from the tank. They are a pain for both reasons, extra care, and you have to use extra care. :) I'd go for a HOB that is for a 10-20 gallon. I hear that fluval internals are great as well.

Glad to help you!

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