
Fish Fanatic
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Warren, Michigan
I've got an undergravel filter with 3 airsupply tubes.

When I go to make my water changes, should I disconnect the airsupply lines from my pump to my UGF tubes, in order to avoid water backing up into the pump?
It won't syphon to the pump. The airstone is too dense for water to really travel through it and up the airline. Just shut off the airpump, vacuum, replace water, turn pump on, enjoy. :D
better yet, take out that UGF cause they dont do anything but hold all there crap under the gravel. take it out and syphon your gravel, it will make it much much cleaner.
hay don't diss ugf, I have sma;; tank and the h20 is always chrystal :p

want take it out just afraid of cleaning the biohazard :/ but hey it works well :hyper:
I read somewhere within these forums that in order to have sufficient filtration in a tank my size (42 gallon) and bigger that I should use both an external filter, and a UGF.
In that posting, it also said that for the most part, the maintenance required for the UGF is to vacuum the gravel every so often.
I had a UGF and i used to vacume my tank, and i thought i did a good job, untill i took the UGF out, when i did my water went black, thats how much was still under there.
I also removed my UGF in my 55. I had powerheads on the upflow tube. I can tell you, my gravel and water are 100 times cleaner since i removed it. I use 2 emperor 400s for filtration. Awesome filters.
i took my UGF out on monday and it was discusting!!

I used to think it did a great job. I had to power heads on both the uptake tubes. But now after removing it i would never reccommend them to anyone!!

Get some other sort of filtration!

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