Under Gravel Heaters


Fish Fanatic
Aug 27, 2012
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Dublin, Ireland
hi all, im going to be using an under gravel heater in my tank as ive heard they're great for plants, im wondering if i would stuill use a regular heater aswell? and if so what wattage would you reco=comend for a 180 liter tank?

thanks, stephen
if the under gravel heater keeps the water at temp on its own i wouldn't see the point in using any other heaters :look: iv never heard that there good for plants... it might help them but i think other factors would effect them more like light, circulation, CO2 and ferts :blink:
I've seen them used, never been that impressed. They're fine until they start to break and then they become a pain to replace.
I've seen them used, never been that impressed. They're fine until they start to break and then they become a pain to replace.

thanks for the advice, i think ill just stick to the regular heaters, how many and what wattage would you recomend for a 180 litre?? ive heard its better to have 2 incase 1 breaks,
The general rule is 1 watt per litre so either one 200 watt heater or two 100watts. Two 100 watts is better than one 200 so as you said, if one breaks the other will still be working, giving you time to get a replacement :good:
The general rule is 1 watt per litre so either one 200 watt heater or two 100watts. Two 100 watts is better than one 200 so as you said, if one breaks the other will still be working, giving you time to get a replacement :good:

cheers mate, would it benefit me getting a heaterstat rather than just a heater or is there a difference?? :S
this is in a book i just got, "if you plan to include live plants in your aquarium, then a heating cable placed beneath your substrate will provide a gentle warmth to encourage and sustain healthy root and plant growth"

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