under gravel filters and plants


New Member
Jul 2, 2003
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I would like any opinions from people who have used ugf's, esp. those you they worked well for and what they did to maintain them. also, what plants have worked well for people with ugf's? is reverse flow needed to help plants?
i have to be honest i had one for a long time and it was a good filter my fish lived... but it was my first filter it was cheap and was a nightmare to clean once a yearthe money i saved made it worth while i know allot of people will say that the effort of keeping thease filters will soon be lost when you strewss your fish trying to change it... i think not if ou have a basic comunity aquarium or guppys or a beta most fish i found seem to thrive in such a system. just know that its much easyer to clean other systems and could be less stressfull to your fish (important if you want to breed fish as many of the people who will hate ugf's do). at the end of the day i cant make your desition for you they are good filters that do the job of a filter. well you will need a gravel vac of some sort imo the ones you can plug your air pump into are good enough. reversing the flow is good but difficult people have sugested it and it make sence as it would prevent the gunk being left under the tray and it is a bacterial filter so thats a good way to run it.
I use an UGF on my 55 gal tank and have never had a problem. I have always used them. I put a powerhead on each corner and vacuum half the tank about once a week. These provide a huge area for beneficial bacteria to grow. I read a lot about people having gunk under them that after awhile kills the tank. I have never had this happen. I haven't every cleaned under the filter. The longest i had it set up was probably 3 years. I never had trouble with water chemistry as a result of the filter. This is just my experience. HTH.
Hi weeblefish

UGF have there place in a fish tank. They work well if set up correctly. The gravel needs to be cleaned regularly, with a gravel vac.

Plants do no do very well, as they do not like oxygenated water around there roots, but they will grow.

I no longer use a UGF, as A) my display tank did not come with one, and B) I do not like the look of uplifts in the tank, and C) external filters are much easier to clean and maintain

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