Undecided over tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I really want a bigger tank, and just found a used one for sale. 55 Gallon, with oak cabinet and matching top. Canister filter and accessories. $275.
It would be a tight squeeze to come up with that money right now, and then I would want eco-complete for the substrate, which would be a pretty penny.
Then of course theres the fish, but not for 6 weeks or so until it is cycled.
Ok I am really undecided as to whether this is a great deal, and whether I will kick myself later if I don't buy it now.
Deals always come around, right? I'll find something later right? :blink:
Someone just tell me what to doooo...........
thanks for listening to my ramble...
that is really not that great a deal. i would wait till you find a better deal or buy new instead. for used, i would not pay more than half(if that much) what i would pay for new. jmho :look:
The fact that it comes with an oak cabinet and hood makes a huge difference IMO. If having the quality stand is important to you, I'd say that's a good price. Solid wood stands, even used, command a good price. Depending on the brand/model, the canister filter could be a huge bonus as well. $275 seems like a pretty good deal for that setup to me, but like you said, when money is tight, you can see things pretty differently.

Have you contacted the seller and tried to negotiated a better price? If not, offer them $200 and see if they take it... or at least meet you halfway. It can't hurt.

Good luck! :thumbs:
Thanks MH, I calmed down a little bit, and decided to wait a few days and then contact the seller again. If they sell it right away then good for them, if they don't get any offers then they might negotiate.
I do think that it is a good price, a full stand and matching hood is quite expensive.
sigh. I want it. Oh well, will cross my fingers that no-one else buys it!

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