Uncured Live R


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
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i ordered a few extra kilos of lr from live rock .com and it was sold as fully cured it has just arrived and clearly isn't so i have stuck it in a bucket with heater and power head do i need a light if so will a desk top lamp be ok for now as its the only spare light i have
Rock that is shipped cured will often have die-off when it arrives.

You might just promote algae with a light. I'm sure a more experienced member has a more definate answer for you. :good:
Have to agree with Tyler. If the shipping takes a while there is usually a bit of die off - from what i have experienced to date that is.

As for the light? I dont think its a good idea too, but i may be wrong, it has been known
Did the live rock stink or something that makes you sure it was not cured? Live rock will have a certain die off but what I did when I got the rock that was shipped overnight was I filled a bucket with saltwater and rinsed the rock very well. But the rock I had did not stink so it probably was cured. Once rinsed I put it in the tank and never had any ammonia at all.

I may be incorrect but someone will sure correct it :)

Rock with significant die-off will usually smell like rotten things. Rock that is cured or almost there will have a smell like the ocean.

If you suspect that the rock may be uncured I would keep on curing it in the separate container. Better safe than sorry.
no not yet it only arrived a few hours ago and i have photos so will get on to them soon

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