Uncommon Livebearers


Fish Connoisseur
Apr 5, 2005
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Southampton, uk
Livestock: pygmy swordtails (xiphorus pygmaeus)
Quantity for sale: c. 12 (singly, in pairs or in groups)
Reason for Sale: surplus stock
Delivery or Collection: collection please
Sales price: £1/fish (negotiable)
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: (Also please put this in the Topic Descripton line of the thread title): Southampton

Livestock: black-bellied limias (limia melanogaster)
Quantity for sale: c. 16 (singly, pairs, group or fry)
Reason for Sale: surplus stock
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: £1/fish (negotiable)
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: (Also please put this in the Topic Descripton line of the thread title) Southampton

Livestock: heterandria formosa
Quantity for sale: 2 pairs
Reason for Sale: surplus stock
Delivery or Collection: collection
Sales price: £1/fish (negotiable)
Postage & Packaging: n/a
Location: (Also please put this in the Topic Descripton line of the thread title) Southampton
Wild strain (parents from Dave McAllister's collection); I have the bag somewhere. Not the yellow variant but the ordinary blueish.
Just bumping this for myself as they do need to go- if not here, it will have to be the shops.

They are lovely little fish: the heterandrias (and I could run to more pairs) just right for a nano tank, the limias a good alternative to danios or swordtails- lively and entertaining but totally non-agressive, the pygmies gentle and good for a quiet community tank (though not with other xiphophorus species). And I'd be happy to negotiate (=forget about) the price if they are going to a good home.

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