Umbra Limi


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
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Fargo, ND
Well, I got some for my 10 gallon today. 2 male, and 2 female. I caught them wild. They look very hardy, and I know for a fact the group of these fish (which consist of about 150) have already bred (I've been watching them the past few days, and they recently spawned). So since I know they don't have any parental care, I took 4. They're acclimating in my tank right now, and I'll post pictures as soon as everything is ready. They are very interesting. I know they're not that common in fish keeping (mainly as bait for fish), but they are very cool, go check some out.
Actually the mudminnow are common in the Native fishes keeping. You should get 30 gal tank for four mudminnows as they can get up to 6 inch long under conditions. They can be aggressive toward each other sometimes. Are your tank, full of plants? The mudminnows loves plants to hide in it.
Well I do have a 29 gallon up in storage, but my dad won't let me put it back up for a while, so I guess when they outgrow the ten gallon I can move it down. And yes, they do have plenty of plants to hide in.
Another problem is that not lots of people in here handling North American native fishes as most people from UK and few Americans just like us (Minnesotans yeah!). Have you heard about NANFA forum? (North American Native Fishes Assocation) they have excellent advice for keeping natives in the home aquarium. Mudminnows are much fun as they are closely related to the pickerel/pikes. And your right is that they are much hardier than endlers. Feed them live foods and frozen foods as they love them to death. First the mudminnows are shy but they will get use around you then they will begging for foods and will do weird things.
Haha, I think I'm already noticing those weird changes you are talking about. They are jumping in and out of my filter! But they're safe, the carbon filter itself is blocking them from the impeller. It's so weird, I'll be in my room, and all of a sudden, I'll see the fish jump right out of it.

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