Um, Question


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
I saw some guy on aquabid claim his betta has huge teeth ("great for tearing into those other betta's fins") I wonder, do bettas have teeth? I guess they kinda have to to be able to eat right? But they're not visible like most animals with teeth? I dunno, I was just wondering. Every time I see my bettas yawn, I still don't see teeth....hmm...anyone got answers? :huh:
Many fish don't have teeth, I don't know about bettas though...sounds interesting. Waiting for some expert comments.
I thought bettas came from the tooth carp family? Or is that another fish I'm thinking of?

Quite a few different fish have teeth its not just the pirahna or shark......... Unfortunately I'm having a mental block and cant name any (s£$$"£)
It wouldn't surprise me if bettas had teeth since they eat meat. Many (if not most) fish have teeth, but only ones like sharks, pacu, gar, etc, have the teeth that are clearly visible. Most fish have very tiny teeth that line their lips, like a tiny row of microscopic razor blades. A lot of fish also have 'teeth' in their throat, so that they can swallow prey whole, and then tear it up on the way down. I believe oscars have these throat teeth, but I could be wrong.

However for this guy selling this betta, I seriously doubt the fish's teeth are so big that you can clearly see them, and that they would even look furocious if you could. Sounds like he just wants to make a sale.
yea they have teeth in the back of their throat, thats why if you give them something crunchy to eat you see that little chewy movement with their heads!
Oh, okay. Thanks, I was just kinda confused because I've never seen the teeth. Interesting :)

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