Ultra Mini Aquariums On Ebay....


New Member
May 28, 2005
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Looks a nice size dosen't it? Pricey yes......but i get my christmas bonus and have £10 eBay anything voucher doojy-whatsits.
The most splendid looking Fighting Fish are males; the females are much duller by comparison. Male fighters will attack other fish it perceives as a threat therefore you must only house one male in one UMA but you can add a couple of smaller female fighters for company but no other fish as other fish attack the fighter's long fin tales.

oohfeeshy, i missed that! blimey!!!

that tank looks too small, and wey overpriced, i dont like how they say the fish are better suited to tanks that small, does anyone know what gallonage it is? from the dimensions given..
I think it's cute. I also came up with the 1.5 gallon calculation. It looks alot smaller in the photos.
For that much money, I bet you could get two of another. That means more fish! I don't know... I don't really like the looks of them.

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