

Fish Crazy
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Have you checked the bottom of your shoe?
My friend's dad bought a cute little betta boy last night and put it into his 20 gallon long with some other fish. They woke up this morning to half of the betta being missing. All of the back fins and part of the area near his tail.

I am not quite sure what most of them are. Neither is my friend or her dad.

2x Columbian Shark
1x ID Shark
1x Crayfish
1x Male Guppy
1x Female Endler
2x Gold-colored fish.

They know for a fact that the betta was attacked by the crayfish..They do not have anything to medicate him with.

Could I give them some Melafix and some aquarium salt? Or should I just take the betta and medicate it myself?
Will it heal?
im sorry to say but i dont think he will make it BUT then again there is always a chance, try treating him if the people will let u take him then have him and im sure urll do the very best for him
I suppose there's a chance that he will make it, but I doubt it's more than a slim one.

Take him if you can, and medicate him yourself, to prevent overdose. If not, instruct them very carefully on dosage.

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