Uh oh....... Khuli losing all color....... HELP!!!


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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One of my Khuli loaches is losing all its color, its almost a light pink almost white color.

I really dont want it to dye, but I have no idea whats wrong with it, and even less idea of how to fix it.

Only the one is like this, the rest are still nicely colored.
they are all active as they have been.
All water perameters are perfect.
and the fish shouldnt be stressed at all.
I would just leave it. I had a couple which went really pale. ONe died, one changed back and was fine. I wouldn't worry unduly because it won't necessarily die, sometimes their colour does change and hopefully it will change back. Good luck. I posted a thread about this a while back, you might want to check abck throughthe cyprinids and chracins section - I'm not sure how to link.
hmm ok I'll keep an eye on it and see if its ok later.

I'll also look back and try and find your thread. maybe find out why they do this.
about a few weeks back 1 of my kuhlis was damn near see through :crazy: but i think they lose their colour from stress .. my tank sits right in front of a window and gets lit pretty well during the day so i just through some more hiding spots in for them and their both normal now exceot theres 1 problem ...... i never see them anymore lol -_-
xXMrBonesXx said:
about a few weeks back 1 of my kuhlis was damn near see through :crazy: but i think they lose their colour from stress .. my tank sits right in front of a window and gets lit pretty well during the day so i just through some more hiding spots in for them and their both normal now exceot theres 1 problem ...... i never see them anymore lol -_-
thats cause you only have 2.
I have 15 of htem, they are always out and about.

they have lots of hiding spots, but maybe I'mm make ones that gets pitch black for htem.
Eelzor said:
Loss of colour for kuhlis is any early sign of death, read the full report.


btw, it's down the page. :)
I disagree. This is not always the case.

In fact the article states, "The fish in these pictures seem to be losing their colors. I've seen this happen in other fish and usually the colors change back to normal in a few months."

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