Uh Oh Help.


Sep 23, 2005
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Vancouver Island, BC
Oh dear. I came home today to find my female with only a single ray left on her tail, thrashing around at the bottom of her tank. I have put her in a clean jar with not even an inch of water (she can't get to the top without thrashing wildly) and a pinch of salt. I don't know what to do, is there anything else I can do for her?

ALSO (boy has this been a bad day) one of my males is acting strange. He was thrashing around, so I put him also in a clean jar (no salt) but he keeps floating on his side at the top, straightening himself out then floating onto his side. It looks like he's got a big belly too, and a stress strip. What's wrong?

The trashing and fact that more than one fish is affected concerns me. Has anyone sprayed anything near your fish recently, or put their hands in the water after handling something like soap? Has your food gone bad? Any signs of parasites? How is the color of the afflicted fish? This sounds potentially serious...

Did you handle the female and male on the same day without washing hands between tanks? Perhaps one of them is ill, and both have been infected now. The bloated belly and stress stripe could be from constipation or dropsy. Are the scales pineconing? Have you seen a bowel movement? Tried feeding a frozen pea?
Oh the female's tail is like that because she's chewed it off. She jumped out of her tank when a neighbours cat got it and knocked the lid off her tank and she jumped out, landing into one of my males tanks and her tail was nipped away. I think I might have put too much meds in her water and she chewed the rest of her tail off.

As for the male I don't know.. I just noticed it's not his stomach.


This isn't him but I'm using it as an example to where it looks bloated.

The stress stripe is gone and he's very attentive, but he's still floating on his side, straightening himself then floating on his side at the top again..
Oh the female's tail is like that because she's chewed it off. She jumped out of her tank when a neighbours cat got it and knocked the lid off her tank and she jumped out, landing into one of my males tanks and her tail was nipped away. I think I might have put too much meds in her water and she chewed the rest of her tail off.

As for the male I don't know.. I just noticed it's not his stomach.


This isn't him but I'm using it as an example to where it looks bloated.

The stress stripe is gone and he's very attentive, but he's still floating on his side, straightening himself then floating on his side at the top again..

Sounds like swim bladder disease (for the male). I'd stop the feeds for a while. . . and see if he gets better. If he doesn't I treat w/ epsom salt baths.

As for the females - any othe symptoms?? You notice clamped fins? or anything like that? I would keep on the water changes and see how she does.
That's what I thought.. It's strange because I only feed him one blood worm and three pellets every other day.

And no clamped fins for the female, nothing.
Oh the female's tail is like that because she's chewed it off. She jumped out of her tank when a neighbours cat got it and knocked the lid off her tank and she jumped out, landing into one of my males tanks and her tail was nipped away. I think I might have put too much meds in her water and she chewed the rest of her tail off.

As for the male I don't know.. I just noticed it's not his stomach.


This isn't him but I'm using it as an example to where it looks bloated.

The stress stripe is gone and he's very attentive, but he's still floating on his side, straightening himself then floating on his side at the top again..

Sounds like swim bladder disease (for the male). I'd stop the feeds for a while. . . and see if he gets better. If he doesn't I treat w/ epsom salt baths.

As for the females - any othe symptoms?? You notice clamped fins? or anything like that? I would keep on the water changes and see how she does.

I'd treat the male right away. . .

As for the female. . . isolate her and do 100% water changes everyday w/ aquarium salt and see if she changes.

That's my best-est suggestions.

Good luck and ck your spirits high!! :D
So sorry to hear about your girl. =(

I'm going to guess that the male was maybe painfully constipated, hence the writhing/floating etc.?
Eeeep. White, curly poo is often a sign of internal parasites, which can cause constipation, as well as general poor health. I would reccomend an anti-parasitic (just make sure its for internals) for the tank, in conjunction with an anti-parasitic food.
::nods:: I would wash my hands very thoroughly between tanks, use different siphons/cups, etc. It is possible he got them from your girl, even.

Jungle has anti-parasite fizz tabs that I've had great sucess with. They are big, so they can easily be cut up into the proper size for small tanks. Just follow the directions CAREFULLY as too much will really do bad by your fish. Jungle also has an anti-parasitic line of foods. The pellets for "Anti-Parasite Medicated Fish Food" are pretty big, but can be cup tup. They also have something called "Pepso Food" that has tiny pellets, small enough for fry. My bettas liked them, and it really helped clear out the internal parasites when used with the fizz tabs.

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