Uh Oh - Egg Problems


Jun 6, 2005
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British Columbia - Canada
Well i turned out all the lights for the night and i guess that was the wrong thing to do because i just went down to check everyting out...cause i'm obsessive! and there are about 30 eggs on the bottom under the nest that Kaden is ignoring. He seemed to forget what he was supposed to be doing until a few minutes after i turned on the lights.
After he realized what he should have been doing he started tending to the "nest eggs" but still completely ignored the ones that dropped out.
So should i pipette them out and put them in another tank in his tank so the water is the same temp with a mild bubbler? or just forget about them?
it's hard to see them sitting there on the bottom when he's tending to the other ones.

I just checked again and he had picked them all up and was searching then entire tank bottom for others.
I just can't turn the light off i guess.
Yeah, you might need to leave him some sort of a little nightlight so he can see if anything drops out of the nest during the night :)
His tank doesn't have a light does it? Remember when my angel had fry, I had to keep the light on 24/7 so they could see their little ones? I bet it is the same with Kaden. I have a lamp here you could borrow if you want/need. Just let me know.

How is the female doing?
Wooky's doing great and yes Kaden's tank has a light - i thought since it's the daytime i would turn off the main light but he freaked out so for the next little while i'm gonna leave it on 24/7.

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