uh oh, did I mess up?


Fish Herder
Oct 28, 2004
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I did a 25% water change tonight and vacuumed the gravel a little (maybe 1/3 of it since my tank is planted) and then I changed the filter cartridge. Did I screw up? Should I have waited a few days to change my cartridge? I do have a bio wheel but it's only been installed for a week or so. If I did mess up, how long will it be before I have to do more water changes to keep levels down?

btw I rinsed the new cartridge in old tank water but didn't rinse the old one in there first. My tank is cycled, btw. Or at least I think it is-I've always gotten good levels on my tests.
How long has your tank been set up? I sure hope it's cycled, or you could have some problems. -_- You've gotten rid of most of the beneficial bateria in your tank by removing the old filter cartridge. Usually it's recommended to float the new cartridge in the tank for a week or so before changing them, if you even have to at all. (I don't unless it's absolutely necessary). Fortunately, your tank is planted so that should help a bit. I'd say test daily for the next week or two, and if you get any ammonia readings, do water changes until it goes away. Keep a close eye and you should be fine. :thumbs:
juliethegr8t said:
How long has your tank been set up? I sure hope it's cycled, or you could have some problems. -_- You've gotten rid of most of the beneficial bateria in your tank by removing the old filter cartridge. Usually it's recommended to float the new cartridge in the tank for a week or so before changing them, if you even have to at all. (I don't unless it's absolutely necessary). Fortunately, your tank is planted so that should help a bit. I'd say test daily for the next week or two, and if you get any ammonia readings, do water changes until it goes away. Keep a close eye and you should be fine. :thumbs:
Agreed. :)
It's been set up for about 6 weeks I think. It was set up before that but not with any fish and the filter was not running.

I have quite a few decorations in the tank-would that help matters? There are 3 in there. Plus at least an inch or more of gravel. If the ammonia spikes how long might it take? At any rate I'll start doing daily tests starting tomorrow and I will feed only every other day for a while. I've become really attached to all of the fish so I'll cry if any die because of my stupidity. :(
I don't think decorations will help but live plants will coz they use up nitrates. If your tank has been set up for 6 weeks and the fish are ok then weekly water changes of 20 to 30 % should keep them healthy. What are your water parameters? Should be ammonia and nitrites nil. :D
Why did you change the filter media? If there is only 1 piece of media in the filter cut it in 2 and then next time you need to replace it you can do half at a time. The media should last months though, so just rinse it out every few weeks.
I wouldn't worry too much. There really isn't all that much surface area in the Penguin/Emperor series filter cartridge for the bacteria to colonize. Significant number of bacteria live in the gravel and the bio-wheel. It's unlikely that You will see any ammonia or nitrite spikes. Even if it does, it will be only a small spike for a few days before the new bacteria gets established in the new filter cartridge.

I would only be concerned if you replaced the bio-wheel, as there are SIGNIFICANT number of bacteria colonies living in the bio-wheel.
kev_kb said:
Why did you change the filter media? If there is only 1 piece of media in the filter cut it in 2 and then next time you need to replace it you can do half at a time. The media should last months though, so just rinse it out every few weeks.
My filter is a penguin, which is a fiber square glued onto a plastic thing with carbon in between. The cartridge had been in there for over 30 days and I read on this forum that with carbon filters, you do have to change them every 30 days or so or else the carbon will leach chemicals back into the water. I am planning to cut the fiber and take out the carbon on this one but just didn't do it on the last one. Lazy I guess. Plus I need to get new scissors, I think. My other scissors have all been treated with undu, oil, etc at least a couple of times and I don't know if I could get it all rinsed off. I don't know if you know what undu is but it's extremely smelly.

Thanks everyone. As soon as I finish my lunch I'm going to test both of my tanks. :)
Blue ram is absolutely right. I think there is no reason to be worried. But tell us how it ended up.
tell us how it ended up.
so far so good. I tested today and ammonia is zero, nitrites zero and nitrates are 10. :flex:
Test today:
ammonia between 0 and .25 :(
nitrites zero
nitrates 10

So I did about a 15% water change without disturbing the gravel and without touching the filter. I also am still feeding only every other day.

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