Ugh, So-Called Adf Tank


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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come on, seriously??
especially this quote: "Change the water only every five or six months, using natural spring water ... that’s the only required maintenance!"
its only good for rising brine shrimp
in it says it gives all the benefit of
a large aquarium in a small one how the
hell do they make that out
Looking at all the stuff you get, its amazing they make any omey on it...

I'm tempted to get one (not for the frogs) but i like the tank, and would be great for a low tech pico planted.

Looking at all the stuff you get, its amazing they make any omey on it...

I'm tempted to get one (not for the frogs) but i like the tank, and would be great for a low tech pico planted.

But this:

Killifish and brine shrimp

is not a bad deal (though obviosuly only use the tank for the brine shrimp!

this one too!!! read the info.....the "african water frog" is an african clawed frog that they are selling for a 1 gallon tank, granted they do state that a larger tank is necessary but they aren't even telling people the type of frog they are getting!!! :angry:

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