Ugh, Men!


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2006
Reaction score
glenside, pa
bought a royal female double tail off aquabid and she came today just as I was leaving for class so i quick put her in some clean water in one of the big cups my boys came in (i keep them for water changes) until i could get back home and accomodate her better. Wouldntcha know I left the cup close enough to the boys that my CT blew his tail? :no:

very sad... especially because she seems to like the VT better :lol:
Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding its when a male will flare either too long or too often and actually create a split or rip in his tear from stretching it too much.
well, that's what i meant by it anyway. it's a big blow out too, not just some little holes :crazy:

i posted a pic of the CT (pre-blown tail) yesterday (see "lookin' for love"). The others i don't have shots of yet, but will definately do so once my camera batteries charge :D

*edit* or just check my avatar -lol-
She won't care. Just keep him clean and he'll heal. Love (or was that lust?) will sometimes do that to you--just rip you apart. At least you know they want each other and if you spawn then, they will produce.
aw, i'd kill to be able to spawn 'em, but i live on the first floor of a house split into apartments with two other girls. My room isn't even the size of a regular dorm, and it has 3 2.5g tanks and a fully stocked 10g -lol- if i get any more fish there won't be room for ME :lol:

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