UGh. Another with fin rot

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Fish Herder
Apr 18, 2005
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Ok, so all of the fish in my divided tank now have fin rot. I noticed this morning, that Merlin, too has caught it. The tank has a filter, how often should I do water changes? I put in a touch of melafix, it is a big tank, (30 gallons) so it took a bit of the melafix, but it isn't doing anything I don't think. Should I look today for colloidal silver, and up the water changes? Help, I feel like I'm hurting my fish.
This could be bacterial fin rot..I think that is contagious. I would give them all salt Dips, then treat the tank for a bacterial infection. Collodial Silver would be a good choice, or IAL. I'd do either or both of those before medicating though...but if you medicate I'd go with a low dose one Tetracyclene.
Ok, could you maybe be a little more specific? How do I do all of that? Will aquarium salt be fine? And if I can't find silver, what else should I look for?
Definitely up your water changes. I don't know how often you're doing them now, but it sounds like you need to do it more often. Try a salt dip or two to stop the fin rot in it's tracks, then add some salt and/or colloidal silver to your tank. I hate fin rot... but colloidal IS the magic juice, so go for that.
how much salt in a one gallon for a dip? A tablespoon?
For a Salt DIP:

4 Tablespoon (1 Tbsp per gallon for a live in bath) of Aquarium salt per 1 gallon of water. (make sure the salt is dissolved and even dispersed in the water before adding the fish)

Have the water be atleast 78 degrees 80 is preferred.

Leave the fish in no longer then 10 minutes..but watch him carefully the entire time.

If the fish appears to be rolling over on it's side (passing out) it's time to take him out. Place him in fresh tank water and you should see him immediantly perk right back up.

You can do this up to 3 times per day, or just once a day..depending on how bad the fin rot is.

I always make a gallon up and use about 2-4 cups at a time (so the fish has room to swim around a little bit) if I have a fish with significant fin I know I'm gonna have to use the dip numerous times.

The Collodial silver is gonna be the best bet..but from what I hear it's hard to find in the higher ppm's that you really need (I've heard you want atleast 50ppm). The IAL (Indian Almond Leaf) is easier to find but you usually have to order it. you can get a really good deal at . That's where I got mine and she will hook you up right. Her leaves are HUGE and she gives you extras. 1 HUGE leaf will last you a good while....I'd venture to say 1 leaf will treat 17 1 gallon tanks for a month (you can leave the leaf in there for a while (Ive left one in for a month at a time) and you can re-use them over and over until they stop making the water turn yellowish brown (liek tea) or they get slimey..if you re-dry them you can re-use them even longer..keeps them from getting slimey).

The tetracylcene you can get at your LFS or's a common pennecillian based's probably among the most mild versions...IMHO it's the best to start off with and then if you need stronger..go from there (no need to bring out the big guns unless you really need them imo).
Well, I use marine salt at 2 teaspoons per gallon for 3-5 minutes per dip. I usually only use a cup of water and an eighth a teaspoon. You don't need a gallon of water for a dip. It'll save you on salt and water changes.
The salt dips really scare me. I will do it if I need to, but first I'm going to see f there;s a good source of colloidal around.
Salt dips scared me too, but they did wonders on Ich. Definitely look for some colloidal. It should work really well.
Ugh, I'm sorry to hear about your battle! Fin rot is such a pain in the ass. I'm so happy that only one of my fish has caught it so far.

Salt dips ARE scary to do... I was afraid my fish would black out. But, I was giving Puck salt dips twice a day, and once I started treating him he didn't lose a single shred of tail afterwards. Of course, he did die of unknown causes, but anyways, it did take care of the progression of the infection. All and all, just be careful and make sure to have your fishies under your nose while doing it and it should be fine! Good luck to you and your boys!
Thanks. I called all of my local health food stores, and every SINGLE one carried colloidal silver. *dances* but the highest ppm that they carried was 30...

if I buy the 30, how much should I use per gallon?
sorry to be impatient, but this particular health food store is closing early today and I want to get there before it does. Ad I'll need to know how much to buy when I'm there.

Edit, does a drop per gallon sound right to you?
No, that's not enough. I'd go for a whole lot more than that. You use a couple drops of 550ppm for a gallon, so you'll be using about 200 times that much. Hah. Probably about 2 mLs. Just get a dropper that does mLs... or I think it's about 1/2 a teaspoon. Definitely go for it, though. It's SO worth it.
SRC said:
For a Salt DIP:

1 Tablespoon of Aquarium salt per 1 gallon of water. (make sure the salt is dissolved and even dispersed in the water before adding the fish)

Have the water be atleast 78 degrees 80 is preferred.

Leave the fish in no longer then 10 minutes..but watch him carefully the entire time.

If the fish appears to be rolling over on it's side (passing out) it's time to take him out. Place him in fresh tank water and you should see him immediantly perk right back up.

You can do this up to 3 times per day, or just once a day..depending on how bad the fin rot is.

I always make a gallon up and use about 2-4 cups at a time (so the fish has room to swim around a little bit) if I have a fish with significant fin I know I'm gonna have to use the dip numerous times.
I have a question on the salt dip/bath thing :/ I want to do this for Fabio as he's had fin rot for sometime now, and it's not getting any better with what I've had available. I'd like to get some colloidal silver, but if I do order it, I won't have it tomorrow, and would like to try something in the mean time. :huh: I looked though old posts, and found one I think you had described the measurements for a Salt Bath and Salt Dip...which when I read your post in this 'block' of posts, I again got confused. :unsure: It was stated that a Dip was 4 TBS to 1 gal. of water for 5-30 min.; a Bath was 1 TBS to 1 gal. of water, and that was the 'live in' treatment.
If the measurements have changed, please let me know :) I have not done one yet, I was going to do it tonight, then do a waterchange for him and the girlies.
Please and Thank you in advance for your information, I will greatly appreciate it.
So 2 mL's per gallon of water? I am going to have to seriously put the bettas in something else for treatment, because there is no way I can treat that 30 gallon tank. I should then find a few gallon or half gallon bowls then.

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