ugggh,I'm tired


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
For the last 3 days I've done pretty much nothing but rearrange was ALMOST the end of it. I emptied out my 29 halfway yesterday and moved the clowns to the 120,I left the kuhlies in there with an airstone overnight and moved them to the 42 today,then I cleaned up the 29 and moved it to my bedroom where I transferred the L200's from the 50 to the 29,which was NOT easy :blink:

Now, I have the 50 almost empty, I need to go clear out the remaining sand and water so that we can bring it into the living room in the morning and then I can go pick up my Red Devil from my lfs :wub:

Now the only fishies left to move are the fronts,I'm dreading that so I'll wait a few more days....or weeks :rolleyes: :D

Just thought I'd share my eventful day ;)
go pick up my Red Devil from my lfs

Nice. :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

Sounds like you're almost there and can enjoy them. That was a lot of hard work you went through wuvmybetta but it will be worth it. :)
You wore me out just reading the post... :zz
And I was proud of myself for just moving my three bettas today :lol: :drink:
By the way, what is a red devil? Sounds interesting. :fish:
if it wasn't for the RD this would have been a breeze, I hated moving the greenies from the 50 but had to be done,they really only occupied a 2-3 foot area of the tank anyway :rolleyes: , there was so much rock and driftwood to be moved,that took forever

I moved my queens to the 120 a few days ago....and when I added the clowns last night they were just all so cute together :wub: ,they all split up into groups to explore with each other, and strangely the leader of the clowns and the leader of the queens had a "meeting" under a rock for the longest time. I told my husband it was like something out of the Godfather ....I could almost hear the head clown say in Marlon Brandos voice " come with me,we need to talk" :rolleyes: I'm sure they'll straighten things out and decide on who the boss of the tank will be (bet it's the clown!) least until the fronts get in there :lol: :lol: :lol:
sorry dix, I missed your post

a red devil is a cichlid,very large and very aggressive and VERY beautiful

I need some big heavy duty gloves so I can clean his tank though :lol:
By the way, what is a red devil? Sounds interesting.

A beautiful and very outgoing cichlid. I absolutely love them.

Here's a link to a site that has them and they talk about them. Make sure you click on Red Devil behaviour on the left to read how entertaining they are. I was thinking of getting a couple for my empty 75g.
LOL wuvmybetta. You posted all that in 2 posts before I even posted once! I need to take a typing class or something. :unsure:
That's why I want him in the living room,so he can be entertained all day :wub:

lol smb, surprisingly enough I'm a hunt and peck typer :lol: :lol: :*)
wooohooo,lovin' that link!!
I haven't seen that site!!!

darn I'll NEVER get in there to finish the 50 :X I just want to read :hyper:
wuvmybetta said:
wooohooo,lovin' that link!!
I haven't seen that site!!!

darn I'll NEVER get in there to finish the 50 :X I just want to read :hyper:
:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's a really good site and exactly as I remember all the RD's I've ever had being. lol
I bookmarked it, I started reading the behaviour page as you mentioned and it's very interesting, the comment of "the fish chose us" is exactly what happened to me, my daughter and myself went over to visit him every time we were at my lfs until I finally decided he HAD to come home with us :wub: I just had to figure out a way to do it :unsure:

But,it's all a plan now :D

Now....I HAVE to get back to work, I still have a hundred things to do,including putting the kiddo in the tub and to bed ;)
LOL yea I most definately agree that the fish pick us and not the other way around.

You will love that rd. I've had tons of them and was never dissapointed. I hope we get to see some pics soon when you get a chance. :thumbs:

Also make sure to tell us the stories with him. I find that the most interesting aspect of the hobby and I like hearing cichlid tales. :)
Woooohooooo wuv!!! :- Soooo much work, but so worth it in the end!!! I want pics!!!

One of the girls who works at my lfs has a red devil and she says it's the meanest fish she's ever had. lol
aaawww, I'll definately post pics ( I always say that and never do but I WILL this time :lol: )

He's just beautiful, solid white with red "freckle" specks on his nose and red finnage

Yaaaay!! The 50's empty!!!!! Wooohooo!!! :-
yuppers I want one now too I went down to the room that I am making into my study just to poke around and to start cleaning all of her parents belongs out, man they have alot of stuff of all the things that I am keeping are her moms tools, and her dads 2 fish mounts( one is a salmon about 3 ft if I had to guess and the other is about a 48 inch musky/ pike I don't know. both were caught in canada.)

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