Types Of Fish Together


Fish Fanatic
Feb 1, 2006
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i was wondering if that i couldput an oscar with two good sized angels and two bristle noses :)
240l tank, which is going to have a 2224 eheim filter and maybe another external filter or a jewel internal filter with a 8w uv on the tank
240l tank, which is going to have a 2224 eheim filter and maybe another external filter or a jewel internal filter with a 8w uv on the tank

Isn't the minimum size for just one oscar at least 60-75 gallons, unless it's a mated pair? I really don't think putting oscars and angels together is all that great an idea. You could do the angels and the bristlenose, that would be fine, but the oscar wouldn't work.
240l tank, which is going to have a 2224 eheim filter and maybe another external filter or a jewel internal filter with a 8w uv on the tank
I do not know anything about oscars - but if your 2224 filter cannot cope with a 200 litre tank containing small fish; there is no way on earth it's going to cope with an oscar!
i said i am going to have two filters and a uv
1US gallon = .8 something UK gallons. Not that big a difference. The tank is still too small for all the species in question.

1US gallon = roughly 3.78 liters

So say the absolute minimum for an oscar is 60US gallons that would be about 226L, you wouldn't have room for anything else. Oscars are notoriously messy fish. You need a strong, strong filter and a strict maintenance regimen. And there are those in the board who will say that 60g is still too small. I am not an Oscar expert, but I know people who keep them and they are doing water changes every few days, and have like three filters in the tank. Not to mention the 1 huge oscar is in a 100g tank! It's more like dog than a fish.

Oscar experts, please feel free to jump in at any time.
how would u cut down on the waste of an oscar

i may not get an oscar, i might just get unuausl fish that row to the size of 240l tank
how would u cut down on the waste of an oscar

Only way I know of is, not to get one in the first place!

Better to get tidier fish if it'll be a problem and as most people just pointed out, you shouldn't be putting an oscar in your tank anyways.

You could always get plenty of other, cooler (she says ducking from the wrath of the oscar fans :p ), less messy fish instead. Look on the fish profiles for some info.
how would u cut down on the waste of an oscar

:lol: :lol:

Sorry, how 'bout if your not fed for a week, you'll poop less, but you won't be very happy about it. I wouldn't get an oscar. You're tank is just not big enough, and if you're having problems with your filtration as you mentioned in your other threads, it won't work.

Just keep with what you have, the angels and the BN, right? That's a great tank right there. Oscars are cool, but I really compare having them to having a dog. It's very nearly that much responsibility. The people I know that have them dote on them like they're little children. Its really a special mentality to have that kind of fish. I don't keep that kind, I like the smaller, schooling fish. I kept a two goldfish for five years in a 45g, and they were super messy and taking care of them was a pain in the rear! But they were like dogs or cats to me, very much part of the family, and when they died, it was a significant loss.

I'm not trying to discourage you, I just think that caring for an oscar, in the long, long run, is a big effort. You really have to be prepared to invest a lot of time and money on filter and tank upgrades. That is certainly beyond most people's budget.

Enjoy what you have.

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