Types Of Crabs


New Member
Apr 9, 2007
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ok ive been browsing for info on crabs you can get
the 3 most common for tropical tanks seem to be

1, Redclaw Crabs
2, Findler Crabs / King Crab
3, Rainbow Crab

since browsing ive come across a few more and wanted to know if u can get them in uk
and any info on these and where u can get them would be great

Moon Crab - Gecarcinus ruricola
Soapdish Crab
Rio Meta Freshwater Crab
Mexican Freshwater Crab
Red-claw Sri Lanka Crab
Mexican Swimming Crab
Guatemala Freshwater Crab
Chinandega Swimming Crab
Xingu Freshwater Crab

any others?
Crabs ive seen available in shops and online,

Red Claw Crab -Pseudosesarma moeshi
Rainbow Crabs (I keep two of these, they are great to keep, but need a more complicated set up than their displayed in most shops Ive seen them in)
Fiddler/King Crab -Uca Pugnax
"Halloween" Crab -Gecarcinus quadratus and ruricola

I forgot to include them, but Ive also seen available (and keep) a few different Land Hermit Crab species, Coenobita clypeatus, compressus and rugosus.

I'll also be getting another species soon that could be classed as a crab, Aegla c.f affinis, Ive yet to see them available commercially in the UK though.
Interesting little creatures, Aegla. Technically, they're neither crabs nor crays. Look a little like squat lobsters. I'm sure I've seen someone mention them here before...

Personally, I've only really seen Red Claw Crabs for sale... Though I know of a little purple freshwater crab called a "Vampire Crab" available from Germany.
Interesting little creatures, Aegla. Technically, they're neither crabs nor crays. Look a little like squat lobsters. I'm sure I've seen someone mention them here before...

Personally, I've only really seen Red Claw Crabs for sale... Though I know of a little purple freshwater crab called a "Vampire Crab" available from Germany.

Ive seen Vampire Crabs, and several other species available from Germany as well, including Ceylonthelphusa kandambyi and Oziothelpusa ceylonensis, there definitly seems to be more species available there than in the UK.
Yeah, it seems there are a lot of crustacean fans in Germany. I know a couple of them will ship to the UK for a small extra price (ah, the EU...). Might be worth e-mailing them to enquire.

Plus, you may want to ask at your LFS to see if they can order any in. Always worth asking. :)

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