types of algea...


Jun 2, 2004
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B.C. Canada
ive seen some algea in some stores thats like... growing all stringy and waves back and forth off of the rocks or whatever its stuck to..

i was wondering how i could get some of this stuff...

the tanks of mine that are in the sunlight just get ugly algea.... ruins ornaments in the tank and looks brutal..

i like the way the other algea looks tho... kinda looks like hair.... wondering if anyone knows anything about it...

its a dark color... really cool looking tho...

i might stick a cup outside with water in it and a rock or 2 and see what kind of algea grows on it
It's called Hair algae actually, or String algae, and most people find it a pest. Then again the same can be said for snails. I'm not sure how you get it as most people try to focus on how to get rid of it.
ha yea..

i was the same way with snails..

on that forum everyone was talkin about how to get rid of them, and i wanted to know which one would breed the easiest and fastest..

i now have about 50 malaysian trumpets in my 10 gallon tank, which i dont mind..

its really hard to feed my convict and kribensis fry, i just thought if i could get a bunch of that stuff on a rock i could put it in the bottom of their tank and they could eat it easily

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