Type Of Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2007
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Are there any fresh water shrimp that breed without adding salt for the shrimplets?. I have not kept shrimp before so I would like to start with easy shrimp to keep.
Red cherry shrimp....they are rabbit in disguise lol They breed like wildfire
Any of the cherry shrimp will breed well in pure fresh water. The easiest of the bunch to breed are Red Cherry as you get into other colour morphs like, blue, green, yellow, orange, chocolate and Rili they tend to get fussier because of the line (inbreeding) that took place to establish the colour and get it breeding true.
Crystal Red Shrimp and Crystal Black shrimp can be the next easiest to keep and breed, provided you keep their water paramaters right and can keep their tank cool enough. It doesn't need to be too cool just colder than 28 degrees, 22-24 is a pretty good range but they can go lower too. The higher the temp the quicker they grow/ develop and die while the cooler they are the slower the whole process is and the longer they live for.
ive asked this before but got no responce what type of shrimps are the best as cleaners for a community tank ?
It really depends upon what type of fish you have in the community tank, and what exactly you want "cleaned". Any small shrimp like cherry shrimp, crystal red/ black, Tiger, are going to be considered fair game in the food department by almost all fish species, even micro fish will eat the shrimplets. If the fish do not eat the shrimp out right they may pick at the shrimp and pull their legs off until the shrimp dies. I watched even tiny sparkling gouramis rip full sized cherry shrimp to pieces.
 Larger shrimp species like Amano and (sorry cant think of the African and European available species) basket feeding shrimp are going to hold their own against slightly larger fish like guppies but the fish will most likely stress the shrimp and they will remain hidden. On top of that any basket feeding shrimp have their own requirements with regards to ample water flow and foods they can filter feed on.
Id go for Amano, I have 3 in my 300 L but obviously you would need more than that to make a dent in any of their cleaning duties!
mine eat the dying plant matter, algae and the odd BBA- although they only chomp down on that once a month or so, they also eat left over food, and clean the filter out take, they can also hold their own against bigger fish-i have mine in with giant danios and tetras, and corys but I did grow them out in a breeding net and released them when they were around 3-4cm so they couldnt fit in hungry fishes mouths!
I have them in soft water and they have taken up a blueish appearance, they are quite pretty...the only down side is that they are quite hard to get hold of in pet stores.

oh yeah, mine are quite ballsie but when I first let them go in the big tank they were hidden for 3 week, I thought they had been eaten but they proved me wrong
I also like Amanos.  I have 7 in my community tank.  For the first couple of months, when they were fairly small, I never saw them.  I thought they had all perished, until every now and again I'd come across a discarded skin.  Then suddenly, all 7 of them came out on display, and all about twice the size they were.  They now regularly graze on the bogwood in my tank, and even cheekily steal cory pellets at feeding time.  Even the bigger fish don't bother them; GBR, Gourami.
My tank is heavily planted fish consist of Cardinals (20), Corys (4) and a pair of Rams.

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