New Member
i'm just wondering what kind of bettas you guys have raised/breed? i've raised alot of species so far. i've raised so far thai fighting species(very very agressive but beautiful!), betta imbellis(my favorite), long-tailed,round-tailed,double-tailed,crown-tailed. i've been breeding bettas for quite a while now. say about 5yrs. sadly my bloodline of bettas died out because my cousin really liked my bettas and they kept asking me to give them some. they don't really know how to raise em so the ones i gave them died. the ones at my house which i keep about 6 babies out of the 50+ that survived per breed. they sorta died out because my little brother and sister sorta put them all together in one tank. all 20 of my bettas fought for about 4hrs or so until i got home from school. these are thai fighters so they can inflict serious. the injuries they had was too much for them since this is a 20 betta rumble. i seperated them as fast as i could but most didn't make it because they were too hurt. 19 of them died except one which was the father and the best out of the group...he died because he jumped out of his bowl and i accidently stepped on him. Luckily my pair of imbellis was in my 10 gallons tank so they were safe. cost me 40 bucks for that pair. they are very peaceful so i'm able to let them 2 live together. never got me a batch of babies because for some reason the male keeps eating the eggs. as of now i only have 1 silver halfmoon/crown tailed betta left.