Two Sick Fish


New Member
Jun 20, 2003
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I have a swordfish and a platy that I have moved to a 10 gallon because all they are doing is laying on the bottom of the tank. They will get up and swim a little when I come and look at them. Neither of them are eating and the platy shows no outward signs of disease. On the swordfish the other day I noticed that he had a bright red rather large looking peice coming out where he should be pooping from. It has stayed there but turned white. He has not gone to the restroom since. I have no clue what that could be but maybe part of his intestine?

All water perameters are normal, ph, temp, nitrates, nitrites and amonia.

Any thoughts on what is going on would be great.

I normally feed them the Flaked food from Tetramin. It never occured to me that fish could become constipated. It looks like he finally passed it today but is still hanging out at the bottom of the tank. Same with the female, although with her I'm starting to think it has something to do with her swim bladder.
If it's something to do with the swim bladder, then they should be kind of swimming upside down, but not just resting on the substrate.

U said all water parameters r normal, can u give the exact figure of them?

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