Two Questions : Food + Pics


Mar 8, 2006
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1) I've seen you all talking about Brine Shrimp and Bloodworms and stuff, and at the LFS today, I found some AquaSelect Freeze Dried Blood Worms, which I've bought, and some Tropical Flakes with Brine Shrimp and Vitamin enirched.... when you all talk of feeding shrimp, is it in Flake form, or Live form? Also, with freeze dried stuff, do you like to let it soak or whatnot?

2) you guys take some awesome pics. I don't have a digital camera and have had to take them with my ANSCO camera... I don't know how they'll turn out as I haven't had the time to get the film developed, but how do you all take your pics? Sit back and zoom in? Press the camera up to the glass? No flash? Tank light? All that lovely stuff. ^_^
I think generally the brine shrimp fed to fish (well, the type mentioned on here) is frozen, or for fry it is newly hatched or also frozen.

As for the camera, all I can say is that people on here post pictures of tanks with the flash both on and off, with varied results. *shrugs*

Not much help, in the end. :p
Well, freeze dried stuff is okay as a snack, but not as a staple, as it can tear up their digestive tract. Most flakes are freeze dried, as well, and most bettas turn their noses up at flakes, anyways. When people talk of feeding brine shrimp and blood worms, it is usually frozen, sometimes live. If you don't want to mess with the ickiness of all that, Hikari Betta Biogold pellets are the next best thing.

As for the pics, it all depends on the camera. I know that's not much help, but it really does. Just get a good camera and learn how its different settings work.

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