Two plecs in one tank?


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I've read over and over again that plecos will try and kill one another if they are in the same tank. Is this true? I'm sure I've heard of people keeping more than one plec in the same tank.

I currently have an adorable candy-striped pleco, and would like to get a zebra or bushy-nosed (??) pleco.
I had 4 2 inch bristlenose plecos in a 25g tank for the past couple of months and although I can observe some aggression, certainly not at the level where they will kill each other. Not sure about other species, but bristlenose (or bushnose) will not kill each other in a 2.5ft tank.

My 2c. ;)
I have a large Royal and two ancistrus in the same tank, often sharing the same piece of wood, and have never seen any aggression.

It varies between species, Our Blue-eyed plec is very aggresive, but Jif, our royal, is a softie.
I have 2 plecs or different kinds in my 320l tank. They are totally fine with each other. I have lots of wood in the tank for them to make their own and they only seem to come into contact when it's feeding time.

I imagine that it depends on a few things: size of tank, type of plec and number of good hiding spots.
Hi Dixaisy930;

If you look at my sig I have 4 plecos. This WILL change in about September when I set up a 10 or 20 gallon and move one or two plecs to that tank. Everybody right now gets along. In fact the 2 bristlenoses and the peppermint don't move more than a couple of cm from eachother. Ones goes to the opposite side of the tank, the other two will follow! :S
as long as you provide enough hiding holes... they will be fine.

We have 5 plecs in one tank at the moment and 2 in another 2 tanks...

all have their homes and all are fine.

there is a bit of rivalry in the 5 plec tank but they just argue about the holes the belem has dug... he's been turfed out of his holes 4 times to they now all have their fall back homes :)

The Rhino (if thats what it is) and the sunrise plec even happily share the same cave.
I have two plecos in a 20 gallon tank( ok i know what you are going to say, I ammoving one of them int the nest tank I get). They might have a little shouting match occasionally.

:rolleyes: Well It really depends on what stage of life they are in. I have an 8 year old pleco and then I inherited a 5 year old one and put them in teh same tank and the 8 Year old one (I named BumperCat because he is nearly blind) starting getting terrotorial and I had to remove (Kitty) the 5 year old one. But now In my 20 gallon I have a young chocolate about 2 or 3 inches and a same sized common who are best buds they never leave each others side. I hope this helped some what and Good Luck!
I've got 2 commons and frequently you can see them sharing the same cave. They never touch anyone.
I have to 12 inch plecos, and they never bother they always hang out and swim to gether :D

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