Two Plants Id Please

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
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South Africa

The top plant was given to me by a friend and I've never seen it in any pet store. The roots attach to sandstone and to the gravel.

The bottom plant, I've always called "Morphyllia", but I have someone who disagrees and he calls it "Cabomba" It is a floating plant, excellent for live breader fry to hide in.

I'm guessing that for the 2nd one you are referring to the 'feathery' plant? In which case it is most likely limnophila, possilby aquatica, as cabomba usually looks 'fluffier' than that does.

The first is anubias barteri var nana, usually referred to as anubias nana, and will grow much better tied to decor (wood, rock or coconut shell) than planted in the substrate.

I'm guessing that for the 2nd one you are referring to the 'feathery' plant? In which case it is most likely limnophila, possilby aquatica, as cabomba usually looks 'fluffier' than that does.

The first is anubias barteri var nana, usually referred to as anubias nana, and will grow much better tied to decor (wood, rock or coconut shell) than planted in the substrate.

Wow! Wolfenrock..... You're a plant intellect..... I agree that the bottom one is indescriptive from the photo so I'll try post a bigger picture of it.... Here goes.....

Not that I know of. Could it have been a contraction of limnophila and myriophylum? lol

Ah!... Methinks myriophylum is my "confused morphylium.... Thanks!... you've been a great help sorting out my mind.

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