Two Of Four Pygmy Cories Died


Fish Herder
Aug 28, 2009
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Hi Everyone,

Three weeks back, I brought home four pygmy cories. My tank is three months old and has gravel substrate. It also houses two other full-grown male guppies (plus a little fry I just added). The cories and guppies get along wonderfully.

The problem started two weeks back when the first pygmy became ill. He wouldn't move and so I easily scooped him out of the tank (he didn't even bother to struggle) and he was quaranteened and then I put him to sleep when it because obvious he wouldn't get better. Now yesterday, (third week into having the pygmies) the second was having labored breathing and quit moving. I took him out of the tank and then later returned him, hoping I was making a mistake and that he'd recover. . .but he didn't and I took him out again and euthanized him because I didn't want to prolong his problems.

What do I do with the two remaining pygmies? Is it ethical to return them to the store when not knowing why their ill? Although I absolutely adore the little guys, I do not think I will adopt more until I can proved an exact environment they need.

Thanks for help.
what are your water stats lets start there i hope no more die,i hate when that happens that has happen to me sometimes they just start dieing after the other.every time the issue was the water conditions so lets start there.
Admittedly, the water quality isn't perfect. They could be moved to a 10-gallon tank I have which houses one female betta and three rasboras (the rasboras I'm returning to the store because they stress my betta). . .the water is good there, but still it has gravel.
um i think that is ok,i have my coryies in a tank with gravel and they have no issues eatting,this should work till the water quality is better in the tank,this should save their lifes,go to your local pet store and get your water checked 90% of stores do it for free so do that find out what is wrong and they should be able to help you from there.

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