Two New Rescues


Fish Fanatic
Sep 23, 2005
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Phineus and Orpheus died. I wasn't sure of what but Jason seems to be doing good so I got two new betta to replace them. I rescued them from a grocery store, there was only six betta left there because someone had bought the rest to feed to their pirana (I couldn't believe they'd buy them for feeders there because that store sells them for $4 where as almost everyone else sells them for $2-$3.50). Anyway a week or two ago I separted two betta that had been dumped together and today one I bought I think was one of them. I got a mustard gas and a blue marble (the marble is the torn up one). I don't have pix right now. The lady that got them out for me was going to put them in the bag together too. Stupid people.
Never doubt the intelligence of a betta. Those two and Jason made for an interesting day yesterday. First before I went to the store where I found the betta I had cleaned the tank and taken out the dividers and scrubbed some algae off and put them back on. I have two divided aquariums and only once has a betta even got from one section to another and that was because I left the water level too high and it jumped the divider. In this particular tank Jason is always in the far left and I ment for Atlas to be in the middle and Apollo to be on the right. So, when I came home with Atlas and Apollo I bent over to put their bags in the tank to float and there was Jason all the way on the right side! I let him swim around the bag and flare at Apollo while I adjust the dividers and then I put him back in the left section and that was the end of his adventure for the day but not Atlas and Apollo's. After acclimating them I released Atlas in the center and Apollo on the right, but later I came back and Atlas was on the right and Apollo was in the center! They had switched places. Well I didn't know quite what happened so I decided to leave them where they were and strightened the divider hoping that somehow it just wasn't tight agaist the sides. When I looked next they were both in the center swimming around so I put Apollo back on the right side and watched to see if they'd try it again, but they didn't and after while I decided to go eat something and just keep an eye on them, but the next time I look they are both on the right side. So I sat and watched them and I took a picture (see below) and waited to see if they'd go though to the other side or not, but then they noticed they were actually together and got ready to fight so I seaparated them and adjusted the dividers again and stuffed their ornaments in the corner of the dividers. I watched and watched and they didn't do it again and after a good while I decided I must've stopped them and I left to the book store only to come back to find them both on the right side and Apollo with as torn up a tail as Atlas. Finally I found the problem, the black plastic that holds the divider in place wasn't pushed down all the way and left a tiny little space. The betta must've all found this, flipped on their sides and pushed through! Later they were both really happy anyway and Apollo even blew a bubble nest.
Anyway, here are the pictures. The first picture is of them together (notice Apollo's whole tail), then Atlas and then Apollo after they fought (notice the lack of tail).


They were in the same tank (if ive read the post correctly) but only because the divider was faulty! i think bettabetta took the pic when they were together!

Are they in the same tank?!

They were in the same tank (if ive read the post correctly) but only because the divider was faulty! i think bettabetta took the pic when they were together!

Yeah, what Danny said. it's all there in my story.

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