Two New Pets


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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I got this guy a few days ago, but my 'net went down before I had the chance to upload pics. Anyway, here he be. He is a stripe tailed devil scorpion, Vaejovis spinigerus. Very common species, but I wanted to start with something easy; he's my first land invert. He was still in his deli cup in the pics, but now has a critter keeper.

Yum yum

Aaaand African house snake!
I took my two female baby parrotlets to the pet shop back home (they are FANTASTIC for birds and make customers sign an agreement before they will sell them a parrot), and ended up trading them in for this lovely lady. I intended to get cash for them, but after I saw her, I fell in LOVE. She is really sweet too, and taking frozen, so she's perfect for me. I got her and $15 worth of feeders for the birds. It's a rip-off, but I know the birds are going to go to good homes (they have a customer who was looking for some and will probably take both together), and that's what matters. Besides, look at this beauty! :wub: This is the first snake I've ever seen where I just instantly said to myself, I HAVE to have that.

I think she may have a minor respiratory infection, so I am making her a vet appointment on Monday. I'm going to be looking for a male I think, since these are gorgeous animals and easy to breed.



So sweet :wub:
wow, lovely new additions synirr :hyper:

are they both venemous/ how venemous are they?
wow, lovely new additions synirr :hyper:

are they both venemous/ how venemous are they?
The snake is nonvenomous, despite the cat eyes (one of very few nonvenomous with slitted pupils instead of round,) and the scorpion would be no worse than a wasp or bee... I'm not into anything that could do me serious harm, ESPECIALLY not venomous snakes. This is the first snake I've ever had who is truly friendly, and I wouldn't like to get tagged by a venomous one, no matter how mild. She is actually a tiny constrictor :)
certainly is a lovely snake, I to have never got into scorpions, but adore snakes (and lizards tarantulas etc) when you start on this path, it can be very addictive. Conrats on your new obsession, certainly started with a beautiful snake.
Conrats on your new obsession, certainly started with a beautiful snake.
Hey now, I already had a checkered garter ;)
I'm honestly not real big on keeping snakes, they're one of those things I am fascinated with and like to look at but don't often want to keep myself. I takes a rare snake to interest me enough to want it. I will probably dedicate some time to this species and look into similar ones, but that's it. Also want a blue garter now! :drool:
I can certainly see why. I got into geckos, hmmm geckos, love them, the rhacodactylus group are gorgeous; but garters interest me and that blue one is stunning.
I already have a common checkered garter, and MY how he has grown since I got him! He used to be a tiny little thing. He finally graduated to eating something other than fish, namely frozen pinkies, and he took a live frog a couple of days ago, hurrah! I was worried about malnutrition when he would only eat fish. He is lovely, but the musking is a PITA.

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