Two New Females


Mar 8, 2006
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Well, yesterday I went to my friends house, and she had bout a tank and decided she didn't want any fish, so I found myself adopting a black mystery snail and a pleko and a tank that is appromiately
19 inhces long, 10 inches wide and 11 inches deep. If anyone knows a site that I can plug that info into and get the gallon amount, I'll give you virual cookies XD So, anyways, after bringing it home, the mystery snail and the pleko were put in my 30 gallon tank while I cleaned out the algae infested tank... and, I realized why it had gotten so full of algae. ^_^

my friend had her filter machine running, but only the plastic piece in it, not the white soft fuzzy stuff that is supposed to go around the plastic, or any carbon.

So, I got it set up properly yesterday and let it run over night, then today I called walmart to see if they had any Java Moss, since right now none of the LFS have it... the one decent place say's they've been looking to order it for the past 3 weeks. >.< Anyways, just on a whim I also asked if they had any female betta's, and they said yes!

So, since my fiancee was sceptical, we went to look. He thought they were probably just short finned males, but, to me delight, they had four females there. All of them had practically white bodies and reddish orange fins, the one that seemed the healthiest the lady next to me picked up while I was obviously looking at her... so, aside from some peoples rudeness, I only had enough to buy two so I did, and put them in the tank mentioned above, as well as the pleko. Now i -think- they're done estabishing dominance... with Nipper being the winner. XD She is so named because her anal fin has some torn/nipped marked in it when I got her, and the other female, Flame, due to her georgeous Anal fin that is this russet color, are happily swimming around, and their color is starting to come back, their bodys showing more red in the scales near their tail, their bodies now a pinky cream color, as compaired to the -white- they were when I got them. ^_^

Also, since my fiancee had an Apple snail in with his Oscar, and he seemed to DEARLY LOVE the mystery snail, we traded, and the apple snail is now in my 30 gallon with George the Betta and Tucker the pleko.
Congrats on the new girlies, they sound like they have Cambodian colouring.

Apple snails are great, aren't they? I love mine in my little Snailarium, the link is in my sig.

Your new tank is 9 gallons.
Thanks Splish ^_^ now that they've settled in, Flame is getting darker red from about half way down her Anal fin all the way back to her tail, and Nipper is going to have a paler body than flame, I think. Plus, Nippers face is -white- and her gill flaps are red with both girls having red ventral fins. ^_^
Muwahaha borrowed my To Be mother in Laws Digital Camera, so Now lets see how to get them from photobucket to here...

George, my 3 year old male

Flames rear end

The two girls, Flame is the closer of the two, Nipper is behind her
they look real nice. love forst one. im getting females next week am so excited!

love getting new fish, this will be first time of keeping bettas. am nervous about it really.
Thank you ^_^ I had to delete the first three pictures I took of the females, since they didn't turn out well, and one of George. Seems if you turn the tank light off with my digital, then it gets all dark looking. XD I had to figure out 3 lights... tank like, room lights and flash... I think those I took with Tank light, Flash, and no room lights.

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