Two new bettas!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 12, 2005
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I just picked up two new bettas this weekend. A white VT from Petco...the same petco I keep finding awesome VT's at. And a Red Crown Tail from the HarMar Pet Store. Oppositearmor is right. Anyone who wants to see some nice bettas, get to HarMar...they have their ups and downs with their fishes, but I guess I went in when they had their ups..=)

Pics soon to come!
Me and my freind snatched up the really good ones last week! But I remember the red CT's, was tempted to buy one.
Wanna post some pics of the ones you got? So I know what they might have in later shipments. Although I should stop buying bettas...I just want to seee...I promise I wont give into the temptation.
ninjaboy said:
Although I should stop buying bettas...I just want to seee...I promise I wont give into the temptation.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, we've all heard that spiel before, and we think we'll be good. But then we see those pouty lips, sad eyes, and pretty flaring. And we're suckered again. :rolleyes:
I was at HarMar today, and truth be told, I wasent truly impressed by their betta selection.
I saw some very cool *wild* bettas, but other than that, nothing fanominal. Maybe I'm just missing all the good ones?
I only looked for like...4 or 5 minuets, so I didn't get a fantasticly long time to look, but I thought I got a good drift of the place, and didn't think its was that great.
I did see an oddly shapped 2G that was kind of cool...
Maybe I just need to look harder.
But I think for a really great fish store, you should barely have to look at all.
I'm also not impressed with their return policy.
I dunno..
I might also just be in a bad mood because, I got a face plate for my cell phone, and I went to get a new battery, and NOW my provider wont warrenty my phone because its not stock anymore!
It made me really mad...
You only see the normal bettas once the stock dwindels down, once they get a new stock, I'll tell you and you can see.
What is this harmars return policy? Do you know if they are located in louisville,kentucky?
I think its 3 days, and you can only return if its dead :/
HarMar is a locally owned, and I highly doubt they have more than one store.
They dont even have a website!
If I ever get a 150+ Saltwater, I'd only go there to look at exotics.
They have a lot of cool fish....
Thanks anyway. But thats a better policy than my lps their policy is only 48 hours fpr freshwater fish and 24 hours for saltwater fish and of course it has to be dead and you have to bring the dead fish in with the reciept.
The petstore where I got my female bettas doesn't even have a policy (But its the only pet store that has female bettas), they only have a 4 day policy on there goldfish.

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