Two Honey Gouramis


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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I have two honey gouramis and one is pretty big but the other one is small. I got one at a local petstore and one at petco. The biger one I got at petco and he is orange, but the littler one that I got at the petstore is yellow. They were both marked as honey gouramis but are different. Are they the same or are they a different type of gourami? :)
They are probably two different types of gourami, although its hard to say without much more info- is their patterning/shading different too? How long is the big one and small one? Can you get any pics :) ?
Well the gouramis are both different colors one is yellow and one is orange. The orange one is two inches long and the yellow one is one inch long. I will get pics up soon. :)
The yellow is a honey gourami (also called 'dwarf honey'). The scientific name is Colisa chuna/sota.
The other would be a dwarf gourami - they are often called honeys as well because of the color morph. The scientific name of this is Colisa labiosa. 'Cinnamon' is the name given to a honey gourami color morph but it can also be used for dwarf color morphs. Learn the scientific names - then you can avoid confusion. These species are often given new common names by pet stores to encourage people to buy them.

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