two goldfish questions


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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1. i have a small danio that i wanted to put into my cold water tank with my goldfish. the goldfish is big and has a mouth the same size as the danio's body. would the goldfish eat the danio?

2. my brothers bubble eye goldfish got its bubble sucked into the filter. he was able to get it out, but should that cause any serious damage later on? and arent they supposed to haqve dorsal fins? his doesnt, but ive never really looked at them in the stores so i never knew.
1. If it fits in the Goldfishes mouth it is at risk as is everything that does. Danios also do best in a shoal.

2. Any signs of injury to the bubble? As long as any wounds don't become infected the fish should be fine. Some Fancy Goldfish have been breed without dorsal fins, known as Ranchu.
fish without dorsal fins are : celestial, bubble-eye, ranchu, lionhead and the toadhead.

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